Friday 10 May 2013

Pinterest you are the sunshine on every rainy day!

I have to admit I am probably a little late on the Pinterest band wagon; but I am sharing it with so many people that have never heard of it I don't feel too bad about it! For those of you who haven't heard of Pinterest yet this post is for you!

So what is Pinterest I hear you cry!  Well my explanation of it has been described as many things but none of those descriptions can be repeated in writing... so lets just say my descriptions have been "poor".  So I thought I would turn to the source and let them explain....

"Pinterest is a tool for collecting and organizing things you love.  No matter what you’re interested in, there’s a place for it here."

To be honest this is pretty much how I explain it and I usually get met with a blank look. 

It does sound a little cryptic but I think that's part of the charm... for people like me it makes me curious and once you have a look I think you'll agree it is definitely worth investigating.  So for those of you who want to satisfy your curiosity head on over to (this way you can have a nosey around before you sign up to it - which is completely free by the way!) Once you sign up it doesn't take long to get the hang of the boards; how to set up your own, how to add to them from the feeds and how to add your own finds online is really simple  and once you start you'll be hooked!  So move over Candy Crush there's a new addiction in town! (F.Y.I. I am not on the Candy Crush band wagon and nor do I intend on joining it so please stop sending me requests... you know who you are!!)

Top tip that I forgot to mention to the first few people I described Pinterest to (which probably explains the blank looks and harsh words)- to many people it may look like just a strange picture gallery at first but by hovering over or clicking on the pictures you can repin a find to your own boards so you can always find it again, comment, like or go to the original source.  Being able to go to the original source is great, I've found so many amazing blogs, recipes, inspiration and tutorials on how to do... well just about everything imaginable!

If any of you guys want to add me on Pinterest (you will once your hooked!) you can find me @

Happy pinning everyone and let me know what you think!


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